Monday, June 15, 2009

Thing 2 : Habits

Ok, I am writing my first blog. It is supposed to be about habits and the article we all read about lifelong learning. Learning comes easy for me. Not that I am smart, but because I am curious. The article defined learning as "acquiring a new skill or language." What about acquiring new information? It may not be a skill, but it may simply answer a question. Is that not learning also??

The easiest of these habits for me will be the "play" habit. If you notice, I may be one of the last to get started on this project. That's because I have been playing. I play a lot now because I am retired and I have lots of play time. I still work some, but it is less demanding and it is work of my choosing. I enjoy my work so much I could almost consider it play.

Probably the hardest habit is the one about setting goals. I see many applications for this technology I am about to learn, that I don't have a clear goal in mind just yet. For now my goal is to complete the "whole picture" and then see how I can apply it to my work and my play!


  1. isn't it great to have work you like so much it feels like play!

  2. Love your roses - my brother owns an antique rose nursery in South Carolina - Ashdown Roses.
